Christmas Outreach

This Christmas, we’re partnering with two wonderful organizations to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our neighborhood and around the world. Individuals, families, and small groups are able to engage with these partners to share the love of Christ in our world through service!

Operation Christmas Child is a program through Samaritan’s Purse that introduces children around the world to the Gospel through Christmas shoebox gifts. This year, we will have the opportunity to pack shoeboxes which will be distributed to children around the world along with discipleship materials and the opportunity to engage in the Christian community.

Find out more about Operation Christmas Child below.

The Prison Fellowship Angel Tree Program connects children with their parents and the love of Christ through Christmas gifts. Through Angel Tree, Sunset Church has the opportunity to purchase and deliver gifts to hundreds of children in our area on behalf of incarcerated parents who might otherwise be completely separated from their children during the Christmas season.

Learn more about the Angel Tree Program below.

Inclement Weather Update

Due to inclement weather, Sunset Church will be closed on Friday, February 14.
With any inclement weather updates and decisions, the church follows the Beaverton School District’s policies for openings and events.
Please check back for updates, and we pray that you’re staying safe! God bless you.