Our Team
Meet Our Team
Steven Myers
Technical Arts Specialist
Meet Our Volunteer Leaders
Alan Mitchell
Ushers & Greeters
Cheryl Hoy & Charlotte Douglas
Congregational Care
Dania Behrens
Sunset Moms
Dave & Mary Camp
Sunset Mission Prayer Community
Jim Abdie
Jim Walcutt
Financial Assistance
Lynn Moore
Mike Hildenbrand
Global Outreach
Patsy Steinfeld, Ada Howe, & Stacey Hillier
Women's Bible Study
Tina Rust
Christmas Outreach
Tim Sipe
Men’s Morning Watch
Yukiko Flennaugh
Racial Justice
Meet Our Session
Our Session is the ruling body of the church, and each Session member has been ordained as Elders at Sunset. If you would like to connect with our Session, please contact them here.