During the summer, we’re going through a sermon series on the Fruit of the Spirit together. Each week focuses on a specific fruit — looking at the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
We’re also asking specific artists in our church to reflect, pray, and meditate on a fruit and then express their creativity through that word. The creative forms could be paintings, glasswork, pottery, music, poetry, or anything else that speaks to them.
During this week’s sermon, we talked about JOY as a Fruit of the Spirit. The artist, Jude Ruetschle, expressed his creativity through a digital illustration.

As I contemplated joy, I was drawn to the image of Paul writing Philippians from a prison cell. Although incarcerated, Paul wrote one of the most joyful books in the entire Bible. While his body could be contained, nothing could suppress his joy. Philippians stands as a firm reminder that joy comes from the Spirit, not from our circumstances. Sometimes joy is subtle–a subversive act of worship amid our brokenness.
In my piece, I depict two hands releasing a hummingbird from behind a pattern of chains. I chose a hummingbird to represent joy because hummingbirds shine despite their small stature, just as joy radiates through any circumstances. The bird breaking through the chains represents its defiance of circumstance. Joy frees us from our suffering and grounds us in the love of God. Finally, I use a muted color palette because true joy isn’t always boastful or glamorous. It can often be quiet and still. A simple act of praising God despite our storms.
We also encourage YOU to create your own art during this Fruit of the Spirit series! Prayerfully consider one of the fruit words and then see how the Holy Spirit moves within you to create.
If you create artwork, we would love to see it and share it with others! Send us an email with your artwork attached.