Sunset Church's Elder Search Committee

Nominations for the Elder Search Committee are open from September 8, 2024-October 12, 2024.

Nomination Form

If you know someone who is a member of Sunset Church, seeks to listen to God for direction, and has time for a few meetings during the months of August, September, and October prior to the Annual Meeting, please talk with them about serving on the Elder Search Committee and nominate them using the Nomination Form below.

Elder Search Committee Application

Interested in being on the Elder Search Committee (ESC)? You can learn more about what it means to be a member of the ESC below.

After reviewing the ESC document, please apply with the form below, and our team will be in contact with you soon.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Tricia Russell or Rupa Devadoss.

Inclement Weather Update

Due to inclement weather, Sunset Church will be closed on Friday, February 14.
With any inclement weather updates and decisions, the church follows the Beaverton School District’s policies for openings and events.
Please check back for updates, and we pray that you’re staying safe! God bless you.