Helping Hands Food & Clothing Drive

Sunset Church 14986 NW Cornell Rd, Portland, OR, United States

As our Helping Hands clients' needs increase, we are hoping to add to our inventory of food and clothing for our food pantry and clothes closet. Multiple ways to donate: Bring items to the church lobby on Sunday, April 16, before (9:40-10:00 am) or after the worship service (11:15-11:45 am). Drop off at the West…

Helping Hands Volunteer Training

Sunset Church 14986 NW Cornell Rd, Portland, OR, United States

All current or new Helping Hands volunteers are asked to come to this annual training that will be held in the Fireside Room.  Thanks for all you do at the Food Pantry and Clothes Closet to assist our community!

Helping Hands Food and Clothing Drive

Sunset Church 14986 NW Cornell Rd, Portland, OR, United States

Pick up a shopping bag and shopping list in the lobby after the worship service on October 8 and 15, and bring your bag back full on October 22.  Most needed food items: Hearty soups Cereal Macaroni & cheese Canned fruit Most needed clothing: Coats Shoes New socks Blankets VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are in need…