Sunset Moms


We are
Moms offering moms support.
We are
For community, connection, and friendship.
We are
Respectful and welcoming of everyone.
We are
Here to pray, support, and encourage each other.
All with the love of Christ.
We are doing real life together.

Join Us

We are a group of moms who gather a couple of times a month to hear from a speaker, talk and pray with one another, and eat some food with free hands. We want you to come in whatever state you are in — tired, showered (or not), happy or heavy-hearted.

There is a place for you at the table. We sit at tables with moms older and younger to support and encourage every mom who walks in the door. (We hope that includes you!)

Grace Untamed

The ocean evokes multitudes of reactions. Sometimes it seems powerful, wild, mysterious, and dangerous. Other times it is beautiful, life-giving, and soothing. I have noticed that I regularly have similar feelings about life and God as I navigate living and being a mother. We are going to spend this year exploring these things and how, ultimately, we are held afloat by the God who is more robust than any wave or wind.

We also offer childcare when we gather. For more details, click on the registration link below.


Throughout the year, we have events that are open to ALL women at Sunset. Check out what’s coming up! We’d love for you to join us.

Get Connected

If you’d like to learn more about Sunset Moms, please contact Dania Behrens.

And make sure to follow us on social media!