During the summer, we’re going through a sermon series on the Fruit of the Spirit together. Each week focuses on a specific fruit — looking at the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
We’re also asking specific artists in our church to reflect, pray, and meditate on a fruit and then express their creativity through that word. The creative forms could be paintings, glasswork, pottery, music, poetry, or anything else that speaks to them.
During this week’s sermon, we talked about KINDNESS as a Fruit of the Spirit. The artist, Rhiannon Kuns, expressed her creativity through a painting.

“When thinking about kindness, I was drawn towards how God provides for us, giving us fresh, new life. His love for us is demonstrated through his kindness. He is a merciful, life-giving God. A line of Phil’s song last week stuck with me, “It’s your kindness and your patience that leads us to repentance.” When we repent, God extends his mercy and kindness to his children.
When I think of God’s kindness, I imagine the hand of God extending mercy towards us. The golden hand is God, coming down to us to offer us life, which is represented by the flowers and leaves. The hands at the bottom of the painting are reaching up toward the strong hand of God in desperation. The colors are very intentional, God’s hand is a strong, warm yellow that provides light to the hands below. The blue of the hands at the bottom have a lifeless tone, which is in contrast with the bright hand of Christ. We are lifeless without our Lord, it is his kindness that brings us renewal.”
We also encourage YOU to create your own art during this Fruit of the Spirit series! Prayerfully consider one of the fruit words and then see how the Holy Spirit moves within you to create.
If you create artwork, we would love to see it and share it with others! Send us an email with your artwork attached.