
In our summer sermon series, we invited different artists from our community to take time and be co-creators with God through art.

Each artist picked a spiritual practice to interact with. Through opening intentional windows with God in these practices, they have used their skills and talents to make beautiful things. Read about our artist reflections, and see the art here.

Art & Practice: Confession

For the spiritual practice of confession and reconciliation, Susan Brehmer wrote a song called “An Open Door.” This is what she wrote as a reflection:

“I pondered the concept of confession. For me it meant sharing my heart with Jesus, releasing the burden of held pain, making room for His love to flow through. So for me, confession creates a sacred entrance, an opening to bring love into the equation.

Out of that contemplation I wrote some thoughts likening the concept to a house that’s initially all closed up. Out of that came a song, a worship chorus I’d like to invite you into. It’s called An Open Door.

A guarded heart postures to keep the pain out, but in reality, holds the pain in. Four walls go up in an effort to protect, but instead keep the heart from receiving the healing grace of the Father. Confessing what’s on the heart opens the door to receive the Father’s love, the Savior’s grace.

Whether this is a prayer about your relationship with Jesus or another person, I pray this song ministers to your heart. Whether you receive this as a song Jesus is singing over you, or a prayer for a relationship in your life, I pray you experience a deeper sense of Jesus’ presence with you.”

Listen to the song below.


What if the walls came down and turned into an open door
Where love flows through
From me to you
What if we took the time and held onto this sacred space
Receiving love
The Savior’s grace
What if we saw an open door


We are made by a creative, creator God. We too carry this spark of creation. Learn more about what we’re doing through Art & Practice.