Men’s Morning Watch is a multigenerational, multicultural group of men who meet on Saturdays over breakfast. Together, we connect with fellow followers of Jesus by sharing a meal, enjoying fellowship, and having a Bible-focused discussion that encourages sharing among all men — discussing God’s Word and how to apply it in our lives. We also spend time on individual and corporate prayer requests.
Each week, the group looks at a different verse together instead of going through an extended study. We invite you to join us!
Saturdays | 7:30-9 am | Children’s Wing (Rooms 172 & 174)
We invite men of all ages to gather together for a hearty breakfast, studying God’s Word, and fellowship.
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” — Acts 2:42
Interested in learning more about Men’s Morning Watch or joining the mailing list? Contact our team.
9 am-5 pm