Men’s Morning Watch

About Men’s Morning Watch

Men’s Morning Watch is a multigenerational, multicultural group of men who meet on Saturdays over breakfast. Together, we connect with fellow followers of Jesus by sharing a meal, enjoying fellowship, and having a Bible-focused discussion that encourages sharing among all men — discussing God’s Word and how to apply it in our lives. We also spend time on individual and corporate prayer requests.

Each week, the group looks at a different verse together instead of going through an extended study. We invite you to join us!

Join Us

Saturdays | 7:30-9 am | Fireside Room

We invite men of all ages to gather together for a hearty breakfast, studying God’s Word, and fellowship. 

Our theme is “Bible, Brotherhood, and Bacon,” which is our unique spin on what we read about the early church in Acts 2:42: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” 

See what upcoming events we have for Men’s Morning Watch.

Get Connected

Interested in learning more about Men’s Morning Watch or joining the mailing list? Contact our team.