You're Invited
We’re excited to have different events and opportunities for you to participate in this Easter season! With everything happening this Easter season, we hope you’ll join us and invite someone to come with you.

Holy Week
This year, Holy Week is March 24-31, and we have multiple opportunities for you to participate in — before and during Holy Week!
Lenten Prayer Room
February 22-March 30 | 9 am-8 pm | South Lobby area
Stations of the Cross
Starting March 18 | 9 am-8 pm | Sanctuary Lobby area
Palm Sunday Worship Service
March 24 | 10 am | Sanctuary & Online
Good Friday Service
March 29 | 7 pm | Sanctuary
Easter Sunday
On Sunday, March 31, we’re celebrating Easter together! We’re excited to welcome you, your friends, and your family.
Worship Service
9 am | Sanctuary & Online
10-11 am
Easter Egg Hunt
10:25 am | South Parking Lot
Worship Service
11 am | Sanctuary & Online

Lent Season
We also invite you into the season of Lent with us! Ending on March 30 (the day before Easter), there are a handful of ways you can dive deeper during Lent and start to implement prayer and other spiritual practices in your daily life.
Lenten Prayer Room
Open daily from 9 am-8 pm now through Good Friday, March 29 | South Lobby area
This all-new interactive prayer room is for you and your family to experience worship, confession, contemplation, thankfulness, and intercession during Lent. It’s set up with tools to help you engage in prayer with items like flashlights, crowns, band-aids, luggage tags, sticky notes, and tea lights. Look for the signage directing you to the black curtained-off area located at the south end of the lobby.
Lent Guide
If you need something to help guide you through Lent, Pastor Nate wrote the Lent Guide to provide background information, some spiritual practices you can try, and a calendar of different spiritual practices you can experiment with for each week of Lent.
The Prayer Course
Thursdays, March 7-April 4, 7-8:30 pm | Meeting over Zoom
The video course Unanswered Prayer is an opportunity to process life’s most painful questions and features 24-7 Prayer founder Pete Greig and co-host Gemma Hunt. Each week we will explore the questions we ask when we find ourselves trapped between the pain of Good Friday and the miracles of Easter.
Sunset Worship Music
Listen to Sunset Worship’s music this Easter season! Follow the Spotify playlist below, or listen to the songs on your favorite music platform.